Living Tips

Mindful Living invites us to journey through life with our senses wide open, tuning into each moment's breath, emotions, words, and actions. This section offers monthly tips that align with our blog themes, helping us respond with presence rather than reaction, and cultivate curiosity and emotional intelligence for a more caring and harmonious world.

Mindful Living Tips: January 2025

Embrace What Is: Practice meeting each moment with “it’s like this right now” rather than resisting through anger, fear or striving to change what cannot be changed.

The Art of Letting Go: Rather than trying to piece together what’s broken, allow yourself the freedom to release what no longer serves you and create space for new beginnings to emerge.

Take Refuge in Stillness: Take a single breath to create space when life feels overwhelming, giving your mind a pause from its habitual commentary and allowing your body to experience emotions just as they are.

Choose Care and Compassion: Guide your choices by asking, “What would kindness look like here?” — whether in your moments, decisions, words or actions.

Mindful Living Tips: December 2024

Create Moments of Stillness:
Begin or end your day with a quiet moment of reflection or meditation. Whether it’s watching the sunrise, lighting a candle or simply sitting in silence, this intentional pause can anchor you in the present and offer a sense of calm amidst life’s busyness.

Practice the Art of Noticing:
Take a mindful walk or sit by a window and truly observe the small details around you. Pay attention to the textures of your surroundings or the soothing rhythm of your breath. These seemingly ordinary moments can become extraordinary when we fully immerse ourselves in them.

Express Gratitude Daily:
Each evening, take a moment to write down one thing that brought you joy, comfort or hope. Whether it’s a kind interaction, a spark of clarity or the simple coziness of your favorite blanket, this practice nurtures your ability to feel and amplify the light within and around you.

Offer Presence to Others:
Be fully present with the people in your life. Set aside distractions, listen with your whole heart and hold space for their experiences without judgment. Your presence alone can be a profound gift, offering comfort and connection to those who need to feel seen and heard.

Mindful Living Tips: November 2024

Create Intentional Mornings: Instead of reaching for your phone, begin with three conscious breaths and set an intention for the day. This simple ritual shifts you from autopilot to presence, letting you choose how you want to show up.

Transform Daily Tasks: Choose one routine activity each day (like washing dishes or walking) and engage it with all your senses and full attention. When we bring presence to ordinary moments, we discover richness in what we typically skim over.

Practice Self-Check-Ins: Place a hand on your heart when feeling overwhelmed and ask yourself "What does this moment need?" This compassionate pause helps you respond from a space of reflection.

Honor Silent Moments: Allow silence to become a comfortable space where you can tune into the moment and appreciate your surroundings. Embracing these pauses invites deeper connection and allows insight to emerge naturally from the stillness within.

Mindful Living Tips: October 2024

Establish meaning and find purpose: The search for meaning and purpose is a fundamental human endeavor. It not only guides your personal growth but also contributes to your emotional well-being and happiness, enriching both your own life and the lives of those around you.

Forge community connections: Human societies have long been sustained by the strength of community. By nurturing mutual support, you reinforce the social bonds that encourages genuine camaraderie, cooperation, resilience and collective well-being.

Service to others: A foundational principle of ethical living, demonstrating how your small acts of kindness and volunteerism can uplift individuals and in turn, strengthen entire communities by building connections rooted in empathy and mutual support.

Reconnect to the earth: Grounding yourself in nature nurtures a deep sense of belonging to the larger web of life. This timeless practice encourages stewardship and a caretaking spirit for our life-giving natural world.

Cultivate mindfulness: An ancient practice that enhances self-awareness and presence, allowing you to engage more fully with your life and relationships in the present moment. Mindfulness helps you respond thoughtfully, rather than react impulsively, to the challenges you face.

Beyond The Juggle: Discovering The Balancing Act

Get in Flow: Be carried along by present moment experience. Stay open to the unexpected and find moments in your daily routine to realign your attention and focus on what is emerging — accepting and adapting to the inevitability of constant change. 

Listen to your body: Our bodies often signal when we’re off-kilter. Notice where you hold tension and be intentional around creating time for self-care to help boost your cognitive and emotional balance.

Practice compassion: Be kinder and more supportive to yourself and others — acknowledging that as responsibilities and ‘to-do’ lists expand, stress levels and judgments often rise with them. By nurturing a compassionate spirit, you can navigate the balancing act of demands with greater understanding and grace.

Choose human connection: Deepen bonds with your support system, whether close relationships, professionals or groups, that allow you to openly process your thoughts, feelings and experiences. Strengthening these ties can provide solace, ease feelings of isolation and offer new perspectives.

The Redwood Mindset: Finding Balance in Messy Times

Pause Before Reacting: When emotions escalate, create a moment of stillness. Take 3 slow breaths to ground yourself and allow your emotions to rise and fall of their own accord. This brief pause allows your mind and body to return to a balanced state, transforming reactive impulses into thoughtful, aligned responses.

Stay Heart-Centered: Let understanding and kindness be your default responses to life’s experiences, whether they arise from personal circumstances, interactions with others, or broader societal issues.

Nurture Community: Notice the variety of interactions in your daily life, from brief greetings to deeper conversations. Allow each exchange to offer a unique glimpse into our shared human experience.

Connect with Nature: Immerse yourself in the natural world as part of your lifestyle. Whether in a garden, sitting on a park bench or in a forest — engage all your senses, notice the beauty and reconnect with the greater web of life.

The Flourishing Pantry: Taste, Blend, Let Go to Grow

Embrace Change: Welcome new experiences as opportunities for learning and growth. Be open to sampling what appeals to you and integrate what aligns with your authentic self.

Trust Your Heart: Listen to your inner wisdom. Your body holds the information that can guide you toward meaningful choices.

Let Go to Grow: Recognize beliefs, habits and ideas that no longer serve you well. Have the courage to release them, making space for new perspectives and personal evolution.

Cultivate a Beginner’s Mind: Approach your experiences with openness and curiosity, as if encountering them for the first time. This mindset allows you to appreciate the richness of diverse perspectives while acknowledging their impermanence.

Wisdom Flows Both Ways

Listen with presence. Be fully attentive and non-judgmental when listening to others, allowing them the space to open up authentically and be vulnerable.

Share stories, not lectures. Rather than teaching or offering instruction, share your personal stories and experiences that illustrate the insights you’ve learned along your journey.

Encourage self-discovery. Ask thought-provoking questions that guide others toward their own insights and solutions, rather than providing answers and solutions.

Show patience and compassion. Approach each interaction with perspective-taking and kindness — understanding that everyone’s journey unfolds at its own, unique pace.

Small Caring Moments: Compassion as a Default

Show You Care: Intentionally create a compassionate holding space that invites others to openly share their thoughts, feelings and experiences, knowing your presence and compassion can make a meaningful difference in their lives.

Recognize Our Shared Humanity: Make an effort to understand and empathize with people from all walks of life by actively listening to their perspectives without judgment, while challenging your own assumptions and biases.

Practice Self-Reflection: Take refuge and guidance from a loving heart by reflecting on your actions that align with the values of compassion and kindness.

Extend Compassion: Express compassion with each encounter as the default–acknowledging that everyone is navigating personal obstacles that are not immediately apparent.

The Art of One Breath When We Get Too Caught Up

Cultivate Acceptance: Build an intention to go with the flow of your daily experiences with an open, compassionate heart for yourself and others. Instead of struggling against what’s uncomfortable, choose to relate to these fleeting moments with acceptance and possibility.

Notice the Mind-Body Experience: Pay attention to whether you feel expansion (joy) or contraction (fear) in your mind-body. Acknowledge these sensations, feel them and release them – knowing that they are only feelings, they are not you.

Practice One Breath: At any time or place, pause and be fully present for just one inhalation and one exhalation. Notice your experience and then, without self-judgment or further commentary, return to the moment.

Stay Curious: Acknowledge that thoughts, feelings and experiences are tied to the world around us, much like the changing weather, where we learn to embrace both sunny days and rainy moments with equal measures of mindfulness and acceptance.

Clearing the Path for Change

Practice Acceptance: Acknowledge that change is a natural part of life and instead of fighting it, embrace it as a moment-to moment opportunity for growth, learning and unlearning.

Discover Within: Pay attention to your internal experiences including thoughts, feelings and bodily sensations, in the present moment. Notice any resistance or discomfort that arises and trust in your body’s wisdom, recognizing that everything you need resides within you.

Listen Mindfully: Be open to listening to the perspectives of others, without judgment. By giving them your full attention, avoiding distractions and practicing compassion, you are creating conditions where both parties feel heard, valued and respected.

Challenge Assumptions: Question your beliefs about yourself and the world around you. Recognize that these assumptions may be limiting your potential and preventing you from opening yourself to new insights and broadening your worldview.

The Small Lights Revolution: Finding Happiness in Everyday Moments

Engage Your Senses: Deepen your connection to the present by immersing yourself in the sensory details of everyday life, such as enjoying the gentle touch of a loved one’s hand, inhaling the soothing scent of a grove of trees or savoring the taste of a meal.

Embrace Your Uniqueness: Treasure your quirks, vulnerabilities and distinctive qualities as sources of self-worth and well-being, savoring the specialness that makes you who you are.

Start Each Day with Gratitude: Begin your morning by reflecting on the gift of another day, expressing appreciation for the opportunity to start afresh. This simple practice can set a positive tone for your day and help you cherish the preciousness of each moment.

Connect Through Presence: Spend quality time with others and find ways to convey your happiness when in each other’s company. When you are fully engaged and actively listening in a non-judgmental way, it signals that you value and acknowledge the other person’s experience.

Unity in Diversity: What Binds Us Together in 2024

Stay informed with reliable information and take a stand to contribute to positive changes in your community, one step at a time.

Actively seek to understand others to fortify the bonds that connect us and cultivate a deeper sense of shared humanity.

Slow down, be present and practice compassion, recognizing that our commonalities have the potential to bring us together.

Build bridges of understanding by fostering an open mind, actively listening and challenging divisive “us vs. them” thinking.

Transform Your World With Kindness

Embrace the profound potential of kindness. Ensure that kindness is a consistent and supportive part of your life, fostering a sense of harmony in your interactions with others and your overall conduct.

Recognize our shared humanity in every individual. Use kindness as a means to bridge gaps and foster understanding despite our differences in backgrounds, cultures, perspectives or beliefs.

Practice offering acknowledgement and support to someone in need without the compulsion to provide immediate solutions. Instead of attempting to resolve the situation, take a moment to sit quietly and patiently, allowing the person to share their feelings, memories and thoughts at their own pace.

Resolve differences through dialogue, perspective-taking, empathy and compassion rather than resorting to aggression or hostility. It is through open conversation and kindness that we can discover common ground and foster understanding.

The Other Way Possible

Bring your awareness to how you’re feeling, periodically throughout the day. Communicate your emotions to those around you so they can be aware of what you are trying to hold, balance and manage.

Questions are more important than answers. Make every effort to stop, listen and acknowledge the emotions and experiences that friends, family and strangers, express.

Create space for diverse perspectives without resorting to judgment, ‘othering’ or confrontation. To gain a deeper understanding and initiate constructive dialogue, you can ask, “Tell me more!”

Organize regular gatherings with a small group of friends and colleagues to explore thematic topics around the commitments each of you can make in co-creating a future that hinges on a sense of community belonging and collaboration.

Step Back to Go Forward: The Power of Asking Questions

Approach situations with a willingness to learn, setting aside any predetermined agendas. Asking open-ended questions, such as "What can I learn from this?" or "How does this perspective enrich my understanding?" can help cultivate a curious mindset and facilitate deeper insights.

Practice active listening focusing more on understanding the speaker’s perspective and witnessing their emotions, rather than focusing on speaking. This way, you lay the foundation for fostering more meaningful dialogue, instead of merely imparting personal wisdom.

Step back and ask questions, rather than trying to control every situation and outcome. This approach creates space to detach from your immediate reaction, gain a more objective understanding of the situation and strengthen the quality of the relationship.

Allocate time regularly for self-reflection to explore your thoughts, feelings and beliefs. Through adopting regular practices such as meditation or journaling, you can develop a non-judgmental and compassionate approach towards yourself, which in turn can positively impact your interactions with others.

Facing Times of Transition

Acknowledge the myriad of feelings: It’s a natural part of the human experience to feel worried, stressed or anxious during times of transition and change. The idea is to treat yourself with kindness and understanding, rather than beating yourself up, and feeling “less than” or inadequate.

Remain open-minded: Approach transitions with curiosity and openness, turning each moment into a learning opportunity. Personal growth happens when we embrace both our triumphs, missteps and challenges with an open, compassionate heart.

Stay Connected: During transitions, it's easy to feel isolated. Make a conscious effort to regularly communicate with loved ones, friends, or support groups. Their perspectives and encouragement can provide stability in uncertain times.

Cultivate daily optimism: Each day, make it a point to identify one uplifting experience, no matter how small, in your life or surroundings. By actively seeking out these brighter moments, you position yourself as a beacon of encouragement and inspiration for yourself and others.

Diving Deeper into the Ocean of Self

Set small, achievable goals that not only reveal new aspects about yourself, but also encourage you to think in novel ways and help uncover potential possibilities.

Adopt a growth mindset by viewing each experience as an opportunity for learning, whether it results in success or failure. Actively engage with diverse perspectives to broaden your understanding and challenge your own beliefs.

Reflect and journal as a regular practice. Writing about your experiences helps enhance your awareness about who you are – and who you’re becoming.

Show compassion toward yourself as you become more in tune with your traits, abilities and areas of improvement. Remember – patience and self-compassion are key ingredients in this journey of personal growth.

Let's Talk Mental Health

Build healthy habits to bolster mental health. Incorporate mindfulness practices into your daily routine, enabling you to be attentive to your present moment experiences. Prioritize healthy nutrition habits, adequate sleep and regular physical exercise as key components of your daily self-care plan.

Prioritize meaningful connections. Nurturing social bonds with loved ones, friends and communities provides emotional support, helps alleviate feelings of loneliness and fosters a sense of belonging. If you find yourself grappling with mental health issues, don't hesitate to seek guidance from trusted individuals, professionals or helplines.

Talk openly about mental health. Personal transparency about your own mental health acknowledges that it is an integral part of being human. Such dialogue creates a safe space where individuals feel empowered to openly discuss their experiences and seek the assistance they need.

Engage in acts of compassion and empathy. When you extend compassion to others, you not only uplift their spirits but also nourish your own mental health. Likewise, when facing challenges, receiving empathy or compassion offers solace, validation, and a profound sense of support.

Celebrating the Power of Chosen Connections

Take time to (re)connect with a close social network as it paves the way toward navigating future uncertainties with a greater sense of emotional balance.

Cultivate a circle of supportive, nonjudgmental individuals who uplift and support you while you collectively navigate life's ups and downs.

Prioritize spending time with individuals who genuinely value and affirm your experiences which can strengthen social bonds and create a sense of community.

Recognize the transformative potential of your chosen connections, as they empower you to discover strength through shared experiences, cultivate valuable wisdom, and foster resilience in the face of challenges.

Being Mindful of Being Kind-Full

Set clear intentions:Consciously decide to prioritize acts of kindness in your daily life by actively looking for opportunities to be kind to others, whether they are friends, relatives or strangers. This mindset can help you become more attuned to the needs of others and bring you joy, a sense of purpose and improved well-being.

Listen deeply:Take the time to recognize the challenges that others face, offering a compassionate ear and providing emotional support. By doing so, you can foster meaningful connections with those around you, making them feel seen, heard and valued.

Connect with others:Try to turn an acquaintance into a friend, spend quality time with family members or call someone you haven’t heard from in a while. These simple actions can provide opportunities for personal growth and learning as you interact with people who have different perspectives and experiences than you do.

Practice self-care:Prioritize your own needs and take care of yourself in order to be better able to care for others, contribute positively to your community and live a more fulfilling life. Self-care isn’t selfish or indulgent – it’s a necessary part of maintaining your overall well-being.

Want More Self-Awareness? Start by Noticing

Develop a regular practice of mindfulness, meditation and movement to observe and cultivate greater awareness and connection between the mind and body.

Cultivate an attitude of self-compassion and kindness toward all your comfortable and uncomfortable thoughts, feelings and experiences as they arise, linger and fade away.

Return to your breathing practice to soothe the nervous system, help manage emotions more skillfully and navigate challenging situations with greater ease and resilience.

Create a more caring world for yourself and others by committing to a practice of infinite compassion.

Finding Inner Strength in Difficult Times

Feel your emotions in your body whether it is anger, sadness, fear, anxiety or joy as a way to acknowledge their presence, accept them as part of your experience and reduce stress.

Take care of yourself by eating healthy foods, getting adequate sleep, and taking daily walks being in nature is a valuable part of the wellness journey.

Connect with supportive people who can listen to you with a compassionate heart and help you feel less alone during difficult times.

Give yourself permission to both grieve what you have lost and celebrate what you have discovered.

Love at the Center

Make a daily intention to to practice love from an open and caring heart.

Notice your emotional states and corresponding body sensations, and allow them to nurture your choices.

When feeling reactive, use your breath repeatedly to calm the mind, remove stress from your body and reset the nervous system.

Be willing to reframe your words and actions when you notice yourself making judgments, feeling fearful or stereotyping others.

Finding Your Path: The Mindful Way

Accept the present moment, just as it is. Focus less on wishing things were different and turn your attention and heart to the gift of life itself.

Begin your meditation practice by following your in-breath and out-breath, and notice your feelings, thoughts and physical sensations, just as they are.

Put aside your judgment and criticism by approaching each experience with understanding and compassion for yourself and others.

Listen and look from the heart in order to see the endless possibilities that surround you.

Watering The Seeds Of Mindfulness

Make space for all of life’s experiences—joys, sorrows, pains and losses—with acceptance of what is actually happening in the moment.

Notice when your mind is distracted and wanders off to old patterns of thinking and behaviour. Gently return its focus back to the present moment by taking five intentional breaths.

Take periodic breaks during the day to notice your surroundings. Note the sounds and sensations you experience and pay attention to how you feel.

Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. There’s no right or wrong way to meditate or cultivate a practice that works for you. The process is different for everyone.

Seeing with Fresh Perspective

Believing that you have something to learn from each interaction will bring greater benefit to yourself and others.

Strengthen your mental agility by letting go of old stereotypes, assumptions and labels.

Bridge the differences around others’ perspectives through dialogue and asking questions rather than confrontation and judgment.

Open your heart to what unites you with others and your experiences.

Being Mindful Of Others Has The Potential To Improve Your Well-Being

Be open to seeing others as they see themselves. It is both our differences and similarities that make us unique.

Notice when you judge people and replace your judgment with a practice acceptance of others just as they are.

Be intentional with your words and actions, taking specific steps to relieve the suffering in others.

Pay attention to how it feels to give from a caring and kind heart. There’s power in being in service to others.